Monday, December 29, 2008

The quilt

This year Shane made me a quilt for Christmas. Who would have thought?? I was sewing a costume a few weeks ago and Shane starting asking me all sorts of questions about the sewing machine. Anyway I guess it all started a few years ago, Leif was really into Buzz Lightyear and he wanted a Buzz bedroom and I couldn't find a Buzz comforter anywhere. So I found some Buzz Lightyear fabric and covered his other comforter with it. Well the fabric was flannel and it is a very comfy blanket. Shane always would comment on the blanket. So for his birthday 2 years ago I made him a blanket out of flannel and covered his old comforter with it. Well, he is never without it. He takes it when we travel and it follows him all over the house... couch, bed, kids bedroom etc. He just loves the blanket and says it was the best gift he ever got. I think it is too funny that a grown man can be so happy with something so simple. Anyway we agreed nothing extravangant for Christmas this year so here is my gift and what a wonderful it is. Shane thinks it is the best gift he ever gave and I just love it. I know he worked very hard on it. What a surprise to have my husband make me a blanket for my Christmas gift.

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